Heart Education Awareness Resource and Training through eLearning (HEARTe)

Risk calculators

There are a variety of risk estimation tools available. The ASSIGN Score is the one validated and recommended for use in Scotland.

Some of the others are:

  1. QRISK, which is recommended by NICE
  2. Joint British Societies (JBS) 2 and 3
    JBS guidelines on prevention of cardiovascular disease in clinical practice
    JBS 3 Risk Calculator

Exclusions for using any of the RISK calculators:

  1. People with established cardiovascular disease
  2. People with type II diabetes
  3. People with target organ damage ( i.e. LVH)
  4. People with chronic kidney disease
  5. People with familial hyperlipidaemia

People with the above conditions are considered high risk for CVD and so will be medically managed for their hypertension. Therefore, the above risk calculators are not valid as they underestimate the CVD risk.

Page last reviewed: 17 Sep 2020